We changed our ERP-system - here's how it's going

We changed our ERP-system - here's how it's going

In October 2023 we changed our ERP-system to the well-known Business Central. The change was a big leap forward, and as a small business with in-house production, it affected all of us as it required us to collaborate across all departments to really make it work for everyone. Needless to say, we all needed to learn how to navigate this new system and it caused us quite a few challenges along the way.

Now, as we're more than five months past the change, navigating and using Microsoft Business Central is becoming second nature and for the same reason, we're getting ready for the next phase of implementation - optimization. The optimization phase entails automating certain processes and ensure the swiftness of others in hopes that it will save us time. After all, the time we spend in communication with our customers is far more important than mundane everyday tasks that just need to be completed to keep operations running.