SF6 Gas Density Monitor DN63 Type GDM
The gas density monitor is used where a specific density is needed to make a “stand alone” sealed system function according to the performance of the system. During installation and filling of the system the temperature of the gas and the instrument should be almost equal.
Practical use of the monitor:
Sealed pressurised casings for high voltage switchgear, high power transformers and submerge power and telecommunication cables filled with gas i.e. SF6-gas.
SF6 Gas Density Monitor DN63 Type GDM
1% at ambient temperature +20°C
2.5% at ambient temperature -20 to +60 °C
With calibration pressure in accordance with reference isochor
(Reference diagram Sulphur Hexafluoride by Dr. Döring 1979)
-1 to +1 bar
Permissible ambient temperature:
Operating temperature: -20+60°C
Storage temperature: -50+60°C
Switch point 0,016 MPa
Maximum switching voltage: 250V
Switching power: 30V/50VA max 1A
High voltage test:
2kV, 50Hz, 1s (wiring against case)
Classification: ETIM 5.0
Class-ID: EC000104,ETIM 5.0
Conductor design: Fine wire according to DIN EN 60228 (VDE 0295), class 5 / IEC60228 class 5
Torsion application in WTG: TW-0 & TW-1, refer to appendix T0
Minimum bending radius: Occasional flexing: 10 x outer diameter
In power chains: 15 x outer diameter
Fixed installation: 4 x outer diameter
Temperature range: Occasional flexing: -15°C to +70°C
In power chains: -5°C to +70°C
Fixed installation: -40°C to +80°C
Nominal voltage: U0/U: 300/500 V
Test voltage: 4000 V
Pressure system leak test:
Leak tightness < 1 x 10^-7 mbar x l/s Helium leakage detection test.
Process connection:
Dilo coupler
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